Crafted beers!


Our home-brewed beers:

Throughout the year, we offer our guests the following home-brewed beers:

Brauhaus Lager:

Color: natural gray - gold yellow
Taste: Bavarian full beer
according to Pilsner brewing style

Dark yeast wheat beer:

Color: natural dark brown - amber color
Taste: full-bodied yeast wheat with a light malt flavor and slightly fruity

Vetter´s 33:

Color: Black
Taste: initially malty, then sweetish after liquorice, oily finish

Guinness Book of Records 1994:

The strongest beer in the world after the original wort 33%

Seasonal beers:

These beers are served according to the season:


Color: natural opaque - copper color, 13% original wort
Taste: spicy, full-bodied light note of hop

Double Bock:

Color: natural cloudy
Flavor: strong beer with slight residual sugar

May beer:

Color: natural cloudy - dark copper
Taste: full-bodied

Vetter's Fresh:

Color: natural gray - gold yellow
Taste: full beer, determined by the yeast variety, top-fermented beer according to the brew master

Christmas bock:

Color: natural cloudy - dark copper
Taste: full-bodied

"If you do not drink here, you are just too lazy to swallow"

Reinheitsgebot - The Purity Law

With the idea of purity, beer enthusiasts at home and abroad defined a one and only quality promise. Founded in 1516, it is the oldest, still valid consumer protection law in the world. The "purity" as an expression to the restriction to the four exclusive raw materials for beer brewing (hops, malt, water, yeast), was much more comprehensible and soon became a concept throughout Bavaria. In the USA and in England, the term "German Beer Purity Law" is used. Frequently, however, it is only "The Purity Law" - and everyone loving beer understands what is meant.

Vetter Kessel
No deposit no return

5 litres canned beer with
builtin tap

€ 17,50

Preorder, please call: Phone 06 22 1 / 16 58 50
Vetter Saison-Biere

1 litres bottle Select our variety

€ 4,00

Deposit € 4,00

Preorder, please call:

Phone 06 22 1 / 16 58 50
Vetter´s Alt Heidelberger Brauhaus GmbH
Steingasse 9
69117 Heidelberg

Phone. 06221/165850
Fax. 06221/165857